The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast

#1,032: Holy Habits

July 04, 2024 Loren Hicks
#1,032: Holy Habits
The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast
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The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast
#1,032: Holy Habits
Jul 04, 2024
Loren Hicks

When we come to Jesus and make Him our Savior and Lord, he begins to work in our lives and strips away old ways of living that conflict with scripture and dishonor the Lord. Through the Word of God, He teaches us a new way of living. As we break with the old sinful patterns and habits, we form new ones that please God, but also give joy.

Main Points:

1. It’s through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to break the patterns of the world that we have lived by for so long. Now, through Jesus, we can be transformed, and this transformation takes place by a renewal in our minds.

2. In today’s culture we sometimes talk about habits in their negative connotation. We’ll say, I’m struggling to break some bad habits.” But what if you could form some new habits. What if you and I developed some holy habits? What if we created some habits that helped us grow spiritually?

3. Remember, there is a difference between behaviors and habits. Anyone is capable of a particular behavior from time to time, but a habit is done instinctively and consistently. How do we develop a habit? Through regular repetition. As we do so consistently, the behavior becomes a regular and almost involuntary part of our lives.

Today’s Scripture Verses:

Romans 12:2  - “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

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Show Notes

When we come to Jesus and make Him our Savior and Lord, he begins to work in our lives and strips away old ways of living that conflict with scripture and dishonor the Lord. Through the Word of God, He teaches us a new way of living. As we break with the old sinful patterns and habits, we form new ones that please God, but also give joy.

Main Points:

1. It’s through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to break the patterns of the world that we have lived by for so long. Now, through Jesus, we can be transformed, and this transformation takes place by a renewal in our minds.

2. In today’s culture we sometimes talk about habits in their negative connotation. We’ll say, I’m struggling to break some bad habits.” But what if you could form some new habits. What if you and I developed some holy habits? What if we created some habits that helped us grow spiritually?

3. Remember, there is a difference between behaviors and habits. Anyone is capable of a particular behavior from time to time, but a habit is done instinctively and consistently. How do we develop a habit? Through regular repetition. As we do so consistently, the behavior becomes a regular and almost involuntary part of our lives.

Today’s Scripture Verses:

Romans 12:2  - “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

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