The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast
Daily episodes are hosted by Pastor Loren Hicks. This podcast will challenge you to go deeper into your Christian faith. The goal is to inspire you to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Episodes have been downloaded over 600,000 times.
1202 episodes
#1,171: Fear Not
God has given us to power to overcome our fears. We don’t have a spirit of fear, we possess the Holy Spirit, which enables us to face life with the confidence that the Lord is with us in every situation. Main Points:
#1,170: Take Up Your Cross
The call to discipleship is a call to deny ourselves. We take up our cross as we die to earthly sin, values, and lifestyle. It is to wholeheartedly embrace the life of Christ. It is a life of surrender to Christ and an abandonment to things of ...
#1,169: Citizens of Heaven
Citizens not only have rights and privileges, but they also have responsibilities. The same is true for us as citizens of Heaven. Let’s not only experience the blessings of our new citizenship but let’s conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of t...
#1,168: Revive Your Prayer Life
I talk to a lot of Christians who are unsatisfied with their prayer life. They even feel guilty, knowing prayer should be a more consistent part of their Christian life. But sometimes, it feels difficult to get going again. It seems hard to res...
#1,167: Taking a Stand for Christ
Every day, you make decisions about whether you will stand for Christ or not. In how we live our lives, the choices we make, the attitudes we portray, and the words we say, we are telling others that we stand for Christ, or we are communicating...
#1,166: Why did Jesus come into the World?
The most important question you will ever answer for yourself is: “Who is Jesus?” The question swirled on the streets of Galilee and Jerusalem. In the marketplace, in neighborhoods, and out in the fields, people were talking about Jesus. Who is...
#1,165: The Source of our Temptations
We learn from James chapter one that we cannot blame God for our temptations. So, where do they come from? He answers that question. We are tempted by our evil desires. We are tempted to sin because we have a sinful nature.Main Po...
#1,164: We Must Keep Growing Spiritually
There is no place to stop, plateau, or think we have arrived in our spiritual lives. We are to never stop growing. There is always more we can learn, more we can experience, more steps of faith to take, and more character to be developed.
#1,163: What are Your Convictions?
As we grow in our faith, we aspire to be Christians who know what we believe. Our beliefs have stood the test of time. These truths have become deep convictions in our hearts. We know them to be true because God has revealed them to us in His W...
#1,162: You Emotional Health Matters to God
I hope you’ll see this truth today. God cares about your emotional state. We’ve often been taught to hide our emotions. I know that I struggle to express my emotions in public. We’ve been taught to stifle them. Be strong. Don’t let anyone see w...
#1,161: Words and Thoughts that Please God
Imagine the impact on your life if you began to make this verse your daily prayer. What if we began every morning by letting God know we desire that the words of our mouths and the thoughts in our minds be pleasing to Him?M...
#1,160: What is the Fear of the Lord?
The fear of the Lord is deep respect, awe, and reverence for God. We give God the glory, honor, reverence, gratitude, and praise, he deserves. God holds this preeminent position in our hearts and lives. We regard his desires o...
#1,159: Religion Cannot Save Us
We must realize that the goal of the Christian life is not behavior modification. The goal is not to just become a better person. We must be born again. We must know God in a personal way.Main Points:1. Nicodemu...
#1,158: God Makes Us Wait...For a Reason
Admittedly, waiting is hard for most of us. It seems that impatience is the human characteristic that identifies us all. Today, we live in a quick-response, on-demand culture. Waiting on anything is becoming increasingly difficult...
#1,157: The Gospel Message Leaves No One Out
While we are thankful we have received such a great salvation, we may wonder if God can truly save anyone. We know people who are far from God. They have no interest in God or the things of God. Their hearts seem hardened and they are no...
#1,156: People who Love the Word of God
I sat and thought for a moment. How much do I love the Word of God? Having access to the Bible my entire life, has it become commonplace? Do I take it for granted? I began to pray and ask God for a renewed love for His Word. I prayed for a fres...
#1,155: The Power of Confession
Confession brings God’s forgiveness, healing, and freedom. Confession empties our souls of the burden of sin we have been carrying. What was in the dark has now been brought to light. Our heavy load of sin has been lifted. We can now live in th...
#1,154: Which Voices Speak Into Your Life?
Which voices are you listening to? As Christians, we have to guard our hearts. We cannot listen to just any voice. We can’t give all voices the same credence and acceptance. We must decipher through the voices to determine what is true, what is...
#1,153: Christ Alone
The Bible teaches salvation comes through Christ alone. There is no other path, no other way, and no other possibility. If you will be saved from your sins and forgiven by God, you will come through Christ, and Christ alone.
#1,152: Experiencing the Joy of the Lord
Through our relationship with Jesus, we possess the ability to live with joy, regardless of our circumstances. While the world around us may be falling apart, feeling defeated, and living in despair, Christians have the blessing of choosing to ...
#1.151: Growing in our Love for the Bible
As Christians, we’ve been taught the importance of the Word of God. We have been instructed to read the Bible every day. We know the significance of spending time with God every day. So, are there things we can do to develop a fresh love ...
#1,150: The Trap of Isolation
It is not the will of God that we are alone or that we go through life isolated from others. He has created the church to be our spiritual family. It’s here that we find fellowship, encouragement, support, and accountability. It’s also h...
#1,149: The Difference Jesus Makes
When you love Jesus it makes you different. You are not the same. There will be a noticeable difference in how you live and what you live for. In Christianity, some of the words we use to describe this new life are changed, transformed, convert...