The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast

#1,183: Suffering Gives Us A Testimony

Loren Hicks

Our suffering can increase our testimony for Christ. Our hard times can elevate our witness. Our difficulties can give us a larger and more receptive audience to whom we can influence for Christ.

Main Points:

1. Suffering, as a tool for advancing the gospel? No, I think I’ll pass. Yet, over and over again in Scripture, we see God redeeming suffering for His kingdom purposes.

2. Paul’s freedom and mobility were restricted, it was not a situation he would have chosen for himself. Yet, as he writes to the Philippians, Paul recognizes that his house arrest has advanced the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was allowed to have visitors to whom Paul boldly taught about Jesus.

3. These examples reveal God’s kingdom's purposes being accomplished through suffering. While none of us want to go through hard times, we ask that God would use them for His glory. We ask that He would make our witness clear and bold for Christ. We ask that others see our love for Jesus and that our suffering would present opportunities for people to hear the gospel message.  


Today’s Scripture Verses:

Philippians 1:12 - “Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.”

Acts 28:30-31 - “For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!”

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